Sunday, 3 November 2013

A Quick Walk Between the Downpours.....

Some of these ought perhaps to be contenders for the Valley Pictures project, but it's hard to know what people might buy, or even like.

Holme Styes. Today.

Blogger & Google +

Why oh why are they not properly aligned?

On the dashboard page I can click on virtually anything, including "New post" and at times absolutely nothing happens. I would totally ditch G+ if I could and go back to the old system, which was intuitive and fairly simple for the most-part. This current one is too much for me.

I suspect it's because I'm still a proponent of Firefox, rather than the alternatives. If I was a regular Chrome user then it would probably all be integrated and simple to use, but I'm not, so will struggle on.....

Another View

Off Centre

Friday, 1 November 2013

Tuesday, 29 October 2013





(As ever, click on the photos for "full-size".)

Thursday, 10 October 2013

New Venture

Nearly another month...bum.

It might start something, it might not, but Valley Pictures is my new venture for now.

Currently it's not a hunt related thing, just a picture one. In time I hope to update everything onto my  Photobox album(s) but as yet am killing waaaay too much time editing the actual pictures, so it's not happening just yet. It will, so bear with me.

There will be certain beagle related pictures from which I will happily donate the proceeds to the CVB, but in time, when I get there.....

Prints, enlargements, posters, or post-cards, Christmas and other more secular greetings cards, calendars or whatever anyone requests...just let me know....please!

There are currently only two posts on the site, so it won't take long to check it out............ 

(Absolutely NOT one of mine.)

Sunday, 15 September 2013

A New Season Begins

7.00 am on the side of the hill over looking Diggle, in fact over looking several of the Saddleworth villages, the 2013-14 season began, or at least the first of the early morning pre-season meets did, which is more or less the same thing...

A bit damp to begin with, and breezy, but after a lot of rain the day and night before it seemed as if there was plenty of scent around.

 A bit of a "noisy" picture, but it was only just after 7 am and the sun hadn't really got up so the light was appalling, still, with a bit of fiddling about in "Lightroom" these are passable, at least I think they are....

 This hare happened to pass me by close enough to get a few shots off, given how poor the light was at the time I am quite pleased how these turned out....

And especially this one...

 The ladies keeping an eye on things...

 A distant whip..

Time for home........

A cracking start to the season, it has been a very long summer after all.....

(More on Facebook.)

Sunday, 8 September 2013


I have only just been told that there is currently no way of leaving comments, in spite of my attempts to edit the whole thing. I can edit individual posts to allow them, but something I did two or three years ago in the template has changed the way that Blogger applies it to the new version of Blogger...great. () (>sarc off>) 

It seems that I have to re-enable "comments" for individual posts, rather than being able to do a global attack, historically on the whole thing.

It would matter of course if anyone actually read this, but hey, I'm a gardener, not a computer jock.

Want a hedge cutting?

Contact me.

Want a website designing?

Contact a web designer......


Insert smiley face thing...........

Photobox (Again)

I am in the process of trying to update my Photobox album.

All constructive advice gratefully received!

That doesn't include "Delete x y & z, they're rubbish" unless they really are......!

Monday, 2 September 2013


As I say in the YT preamble, this is one of those songs that I have (hopefully) grown up with. In spite of the potential copyright issue I decided to clamp a load of clips together, of course it didn't take many seeing as how it's only a minute and a half long, and use them as a setting for the experience.

UK Autumn? Bring it on.

Monday, 19 August 2013

More Experiments With "Lightroom 4"

More or less all of the pictures herein are not mine, but my Dad's, and most taken on his old Minolta camera as far as I can see.

As shot:

 LR4 version:

Now, to be frank, some of the changes I've made while trying to learn my way around LR4 are not exactly dramatic, but that wasn't the point. They're meant to be "improvements", at least for the most part, and sometimes the way a picture comes "vanilla" out of the camera is just exactly as you might have wanted it.

 Very old pre-digital shot, scanned presumably...

 As shot:
 (Yes, that's me whipping in.....)

As shot:

 LR4 2nd attempt:

As shot:

LR4 version:
 Mr Luxton looking dapper (As shot):


My Dad (As shot):

 LR4 version 1:

 version 2:


  As shot:
 LR4 version:
 Lawn Meet at Knowle Top Farm (As shot):

 LR4 version:
 A bit more subtle perhaps, but this was the first post-ban meet at The Huntsman when the two beagle packs & foxhounds got together to stick two fingers up at Blair....

As shot:

 LR4 version:
Well, as you can see, I'm no expert, but a keen tryer nevertheless.

Of course it all comes down to personal preference at the end of the day, and if you're looking for really dramatic images to hammer home a point or to use in some marketing thing or other then you might over-cook any aspect of the process just for effect, but I'm having fun trying to get to grips with it, which I could never say about Photoshop which is still an utter mystery to me......