Thursday, 17 August 2017

When the Adventure Stops


His longest surviving friend
Is a mad albino, well, intense.

Precocious ? Presumptuous, perhaps
Imperfect, and only human.

He's only human after all.

He had no parents that we knew of.
No pets, no books, no T.V.
No need to feed a craving,

Well, perhaps ignoring that,
Eyes, lightly pink-lidded,
And deeper than forever.

His longest surviving period of insanity,
Shows no sign of ending.
No time for new befriending.

Like a sad pair of war veterans,
Waiving the medals for sad pride.
Watching the parade, drunk and intense.

Wavering down dark alleys, bomb alleys.

Albino boy and pitch-tanned friend,
Speaking no audible, or credible words,
Singing whalesong-chants in liquor haze.

And we could see they are only human,
Probably, perhaps its just possible that,
When the sun dissolves, they turn into cats,
And prowl, concentrating on hunting hobby,

Eating the liquid souls of girls,
Predatorial selection, no game, no rules.

Blue Rope

Four times the length of your love,
The ropes that bound us in greener times

Four times the drop, to be human,
To eat from platters proffered,
To struggle back towards the home fires.

Four times you sent me
No times did I ever doubt
My loved return.

The post-apocalypse nightmare, recurring.

We always wake before we connect,
We approach and dance with death, and happy times.

The rope is blue, a trucker’s throw-away,
But you’ll kill me for love no matter
If it was red.

Four times I crossed the line, told you five,
Too drunk to count.

Situation normal honey, broken plates.

Full of doubt and this human struggle
To my own apocalypse.

Four bloody times.

The Cygnet And The Fox.

Anew the cygnet attempts to rise,
The strength gone, but spirit there,
And the foxes determination is
Matched only,
By the pen's anger and
Fatal rebuttal and
Defence of family freedom.

Your shopping wire basket love carries
So much static,
Many shocks.

And serves to focus no vision of
What we could have been.
Cygnet, you escaped this time,
But beware the shadows of
The lonely fox's sons.

Selected Views.

No time
No doubt

Dense mist descends

Cosy sense of security

Erasing world views
To pews
Of oaken-seated
Gothic splendour

And vendor
Of christian dreams of Eden
And faint
Old stone
Church smell
Mingles with
Damp moss

No time
No doubt

No time to try
To see

Without vision
Derision of sense
Withholding views.