I have no real answer to that. Is it some strange way of "wanting to be heard"? Or to brag about just how awesome your life is? Or to tell "everyone" (& I really do use that term loosely) how you've discovered the rarest tin-soldier that the fluff-knitting apfelstrudel baking kitten loving dungeons & dragons obscurely tattooed BDSM stamp collecting tin-soldier collecting fraternity how well your life is going in comparison to theirs??
Fair question I think.
I remember a post on the "original" blog, before I felt "pressured" into sacking it off to appease someone who really couldn't have given a flying fluff about it in reality, on similar lines. I mentioned that a friend of mine had said something along the lines of:
"A Blog? Isn't that just something for people to write about how good their lives are?"
I paraphrase as I can't quite remember exactly what she said.
Well, maybe she had a point, but while I still haven't exactly come up with a coherent focus for this experiment, I do have ideas, and maybe, just one day some of them might come to something.
I have almost undying admiration for the dry humour and dogged loyalty to a path that Kevin has in his mission to dispassionately record some of his odd moments in the world. His original Blog can still be read HERE
I think his observations are dry to put it mildly, and comic-tragic at the same time. Non-judgemental and sometimes almost palpably rich in pathos.
We were at Junior School together, but to be honest I doubt if either of us would ken the other if we passed in the street, it would (frighteningly) be some 36 years ago now, so that ameliorates the situation a tad I think....
The point of bigging-up Kevin like that was more to illustrate that he has a focus, and at least as far as this project goes, I have little-to-none. This is not a brag. it's not a diary, as such, and it's not any kind of vehicle for a personal vendetta full of cheap shots against the hand that fate has dealt me, with my own help it has to be said... Or any other subtle or otherwise vitriol.
It's just a place to empty my head occasionally. Sure FaceBook has it's moments, but sometimes you get to thinking that it's a very empty gourd, and makes the loudest noises that nobody really hears.
I really do want to turn this into a BRAG though, but am keeping it impersonal as far as possible.
Maybe if you follow the words I wrote about "where the lines cross" you might see how happy I am.
Dear reader I hope you are too?
These two are clearly NOT mine and I am not pretending that they are, I just wanted to "share" in case you hadn't seen them.
Cue an opportunity for vitriol, but no, restraint instead.....
Ha. Life's good.