Sunday, 14 April 2013


Before I killed off the old "Dungeon Wood" Blog I had a period when I had to turn off the commenting system due to some spam messages getting through, even though "moderation" was switched on I still had sometimes dozens of spam comments to sort through. Then of course there was the issue with someone not liking the fact that someone else on the other side of the world had more interest in the Blog than they did, so in the end it became easier to turn them off altogether.

Now I'm back, I thought I'd turned them back on again, but couldn't see why the option to comment wasn't showing up in posts, it should be from now on, even if  Ihave to turn it on on a post by post basis.

Free speech and all that.

Feel free to comment, but please, no spam or unpleasantness, you're not only wasting my time, you'd be wasting yours too.

1 comment:

  1. Stacy (From Across The Pond)19 April 2013 at 00:21

    I for one welcome you back to the land of the living.


Thanks for your input. If it's appropriate then I will endeavour to reply.

Have a nice day whatever. :)