Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Quick One


From this tranquil hole, gentler springs,
scent, light, peace,
My eyes picked up her approach,

Did my heart fly, soar with herons?

Banking, turning, wheeling, in the promise of life?

Did she burn with star-fire, rhetoric?

Fireworks, dragon-souled, and infinite majesties?

I caught your smile, let it enfold,
Warming and welcome.

And held out empty arms to return,
Such gentle spring love,
Scented, tranquil,

To hold the promise.

Brief Existence

In the middle of this brief existence
a note of shattered glass hit the words
that remained behind forgotten
on a beach of stars and fish and anglers
waiting until the glass was gone and
left until the day has ended

where we started and came in to hear the words
that the girl was chanting as she said
she knew how lovers can do nothing
but destroy and burn the fires
that lit that night in your eyes
and glass was everywhere to see

and the waves rolled over the young angler
as he waited for his song to start and
then to join the dancers in the circle of old stones
where the spell was cast and the words
were so ancient and beautiful
girls upon the waters that flowed into the sea

that never stopped and never to be in love
again and again she cried she needs you
more than I guess the right way is now to stray
and wander like the glassy child whose eyes are deep
and run down into the roots of all

so tell me child why can't the sailor come to jig
upon this shore of yours and sing and play
harmonica with demon steps and horn‚d voice
that brings no fear to those with ears to hear
the loved one that hides within the very middle
of the broken chord that battles in the chant
of a girl who knows what love can be

to those of us who don't understand
just how far from either end
of this incorrigible existence lies the middle
of this brevity that is full of broken glass
to dance upon to the crazed old tune
of the drunken old sailor who would be beached
with anglers given just half a chance.



Listen carefully, and you will hear,
An echo of me in you.
Watch closely and see,
Me, in everything you do.

Think of Gardens

That all-drown word,
All poets flock to worship,
Contains duties, tastes, hand-cuffs,
Joys and tears.

Heart-warmth, gloves,
Passionate release, agendas, their's,
Tools to unwrap meanings, argue,
In poisonous allegory,

Deep longings, but bloody hobbled, Achilles,

Drowning in the mirrors, and diaries,

Lost hope, Davey's Locker,

While drowning, think of gardens......

Prickly, and complicated......

 I am slowly bending to the share things you love, like "your dogs" thing....



Took a long hard swim upstream,
Push, flick, kick, turn and leap,
Air burns my gills, but then, next,
And again, my instinct driving me.


On my side, on a rock,
Missed, confused, water-less,
Stranded, again,
In your world, alien.

Is a long hard twitch and thrash,
To return to mine,
Would've made it too,
But got fast in this ancient landslide...

Five moons of drowning in air,
And beer and insanity, depression, crazy time,
And "Waltzing Matilda", and car crashes,
And texts, emails, silent and abusive phones.

The waterfall, just out of reach,
I remember the deep warm seas, of life, and our holidays,
And pour another single malt,
On my side, on the rocks,
Not this time, on her own,
Ancient medicine for broken gills, water-less...

Twitch, thrash, in this ancient insanity,
No more bloody car crashes,
No more crazy waterfall texts now,
Please, I'm burning, waltzing beers.