Tuesday 7 February 2017

More Time Please

Near Menheniot

There's an overgrown brambly gate,
Locked, long forgot, galvanised,
Under the viaduct, in the cleft of the valley.

I hid my soul there, brambled,
As the Riviera train clattered above,
Carrying my mind, East,
To return, to return, to reclaim,

Wafting fluffy seeds, late,
Smells like a fox,
Turning towards your house,
Scratching my heart into the stoney
Pillars of never never..

Introspecting Times

I'm quite sure there once was a time,
I had some idea, focus, goal,
In fact I had several,
Person, place, achievements, milestones,
Come and go, come and go.

Very high, very not, survival,
Certainty, peace, love, soul-sharing,
Turned into day-to-day silly decisions,
With huge ghosts of
Love, person, place, achievements, milestones,
Because millstones, and hovel life,
So damned close, so many times.

White heat connection,
Souls welding, becomes the
Mis-welded close call, soul mate,
A Western dream becomes a Northern sunset,
And love funeral.

Intensely deep sod-everything love,
Turns into “fond cousins”,
Clinical, cynical, funeral,

Two mourners, no sandwiches.

A Small Death

We've been angry, been sad,
Purely loving, crazy, mad,
But this numb limbo is new,
Nobody can help to get us through,
To clarity, to peace,
Safe space, release.

Need you, can't have you,
Want you, miss you, love you,
Your limbo matches, needs relief,
Third party, maintains belief,
Clings to hope, of rekindled fires,
I slump and bow, heart in mire.

From such mountain height, to have to fall,
Is a death so, sad and small,
Cling to connections that once made sense,
Brings no easy love recompense,
Trapped between fierce love, and not,
In sadness cold, not fiery hell hot.

Come then, release me from the vow,
Tell me of your love now,
For me, or him, or just yourself,
Don't ignore me, or leave by stealth,
Heads held high, hearts now numb,
Where ecstatic breaths are now dumb.


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