Sunday 26 April 2015


Given the amount of chatter on the air-waves and other media with the UK election approaching at a rate of knots....There seem to be more and more opportunities for mangling of the English language.

Time for pedants to get extremely warm around the neck region...

My own current gripes are not so many or varied, but do irk increasingly as time goes on.


1. Face to face with; opposite to.
2. Compared with.
3. In relation to.
Face to face.
n. pl. vis-à-vis (-vēz′, -vē′)
1. One that is face to face with or opposite to another.
2. A date or an escort, as at a party.
3. One that has the same functions and characteristics as another; a counterpart.
I nearly scream at the radio at times, that what you really meant to say was "Viz". You are hardly ever "comparing" or relating to, but usually...oh no, you're right. It means that too....
viz. is used to introduce a list or series. It differs from i.e. in that what follows normally expands upon what has already been said, rather than merely restating it in other words; and from e.g. in that completeness or near-completeness is suggested, rather than a small selection of examples. (From "Wiktionary"

Ironic? Didn't meant to be, it's been a long few days....

Or did I?

Visage-a-visage, can hardly lead anywhere else....

I was an instant fan when "Fade to grey" hit the TV in the 1980s, but became even more or during a family holiday to France (& Switzerland, & Italy, & Germany albeit briefly on the last two counts, just to get the stickers to say we'd been...!) when I bought a cassette of theirs, which turned out to be a Euro-ri-off with tracks from various sources stitched together in "homage" to The Anvil..Still, it played well enough on my cheapo imitation Walkman.....

Then Ultravox, then Gary Numan, then Depeche Mode etc etc Oh, and Flock of Seagulls, "I Ran" was my favourite for a few years.... Treat yourself, but turn it up, and imagine your favourite not at all related distant cousin, who's two or three years younger than you, and in thrall to your every (slightly more mature) view on the world....and foxy with it....Who then emigrates to Canada, so you never actually see her again........

I dallied with Jean Michel Jarre too, but we'll keep that quiet for now I think.....Those home-made speakers of my Uncle Richard's were simply awesome though....Not quite ear-bleeding, but not far off.



(Clearly not one of mine, so don't think it is...)(Does that count as adequate copyright dissociation??)