Tuesday, 29 January 2019

ImMoralities. Or Conscience Suaging.

Idea Drought.

Sharp practice,
Gives the cutting edge.
 Shyster finding confidence.

Dreamer discovers its true,
And fatalist too.

In time you wait,
In weight you see,
Reflections of diet,
Metabolic peace and quiet.

Need new friend now,
 For revisiting has lost me.
    Idea drought.

Preoccupy me with,
Angelic sisters.

Dark and heavier thought.
   Despair, time to kill.
Time for questioning.

Have I been true to myself ?

 I suddenly filled up with tears,
    Though nothing had really changed,
 Just that desperate moment of truth,
Sought by many, but can you handle its arrival ?

Don't need to seek knowledge already gleaned,
But the intricacies of a woman's mind,
  constantly need re-learning.

(Most especially if its the same woman.) 
I, Nightmare.

I am the bogey-man,
I am Satan himself,
I will hurt you,
I will haunt you,
I am the Lord of the Flies,
The cursed one who kills,
I walk in your sleep,
I run through fields of your blood,
I am the thing you fear most,
I am the dishonoured son of the holy-ghost,
I am the serpent,
The Lord of chaos and your undoing,
The torture master and doctor,
I'll operate without anaesthetic,
I'll deviate from your heart,
I'm the disease with no cure,
I am Satan, I am Kali, I am Darkness,
I'm the mad chain-saw operator,
I'm the one to fear,
I'll follow you everywhere,
You cannot hide for I am you,
The unscratchable itch of terror,
Your loved ones nestle in my talons,
Watch this, snip, go on watch,
You cannot turn from me,
You must face me,
Laugh at your death,
I won't kill you quickly,
I am the axeman, the insane,
Crawl as I hurt you,
I am all these and more,
You have every right to be afraid.

In My Head.

Don't speak, if you can't,
Just listen, and be.
The things in your head are you,
And in mine, me.

Instructing a Friend.

Log this in your little black register
Of pathetic claims to nobodies
No bodies
No body except yours
(Who's driving it now ?) (Who cares ?)
Log this in your fixed platonic vision,
Don't ever overrun yourself,
Don't ever lose control,
Don't excel in free expression.
No, don't bother.

Log this in your little leather bound sadness,
Stay exactly as you are.

Let the rest of the world go
XXking crazy.

Petrol Dreaming

You were drinking petrol
Living in a car
When I first met you

Who picked who from what gutter
Or turned each around?

For petrol and speed and hash and smack

I gave you me
Trust and love and flesh and heat
Turned each around

Drinking petrol for warmth
As the car had died years before

We met.

Reality Evening.

Just spoke to Graham, and Simon,

Then to Libby, who sounded like Anna holding her nose
and pretending to be Libby, I told her so.

Then to Kate, who was as together as she always is.

Then put Jimi on the old music box and sat back...

It's as if when I'm 'there' its the real me,
Coming out from behind tons of shit,
Commitments, obligations,
Facades, whole ghost 'me's, just there,
And when it hits...

There's just me and everything,

Read that again, there's everything,

And me.

Not the me who normally is me,

But I feel real,

So good, so together,
Complete and

Not shaky.


After the race
The short sweet buzz of adrenaline,
The slow slide away as
You cool off.
Not sexual,
As such,

Hard times: won through now,
To moments of relief,
Anticlimax, not necessarily relief as such,
Not sexual.

Sweet heart, and lungs,
And breathing,
No mind tracks in this frame,
Simply a time to

As you scan the crowd of 'unawares'
Adrenaline junkies, perhaps,
(Perhaps not too, or knowingly)

And reap the sense of sole,

You catch the eye of
Who feels exactly the same.

But who's behind is sweetly covered,
In brilliantly and cleverly invented stretch nylon,

After the race.

Just a Study.

It was almost a study in sadness,
Pathos, manners, irony, and social

It was almost funny.
Almost tragic,reflecting badly
On the participants.

But the fifty something year old,
Spinster looking evangelist, the
Loud, offensive to some, intrusive even
To the faithful, was silent.

Wholly (holy?) remarkable, the normally
Ceaseless diatribe, the twisted reasoned
Rant had been stopped, by ?

A loud, intrusive, and to other
Alcoholics, doubtless humorous, but
Rarely offensive, drunk was giving
Her a verbal hiding.

The cant of the super strength lager
Lout. The rant of stupendous logic
And towering sanity, albeit only
Loosely strapped together by a
Less than lucid frame of
Sometimes difficult to follow, invective.

Who to feel for ?

Why one, not both ?

Did you ever feel horror or shame at
The maltreatment the woman was
Receiving ? Sympathy ?

Maybe a smidgeon.

Or would it be true to say that
The drunk's sentiment simply echoed
That that remained unspoken
Normally, by the Normal ?

By way of contrast, the following day,
The drunk was long gone, and
The evangelist had brought reinforcements.

They were strategically placed, with
Sufficient distance between to avoid
Detracting from one another, whilst
Exhorting the dangers of sin, the
Weaknesses of the frail old human race,
And so on, with sufficient
Decibels to firmly intrude upon the
Otherwise preoccupied minds of the
Rest of that race.

The Kiss.

Flowers in your hair,
Peach tears on your cheek,
Kiss him if you dare,
When you learn to speak.
Man-child, teen-man, child-boy,
Boy-man, teen-child,
Child-man, teen-boy,
Boy-child, teen-man.

Watching from your height,
Goddess do not wait,
To reveal unto our sight,
The glory of our fate.
Smile now.
Kiss him,
Dare to

Last Summer.

Laburnum blossom, spread and
Shredded on newly hover-mowed lawn.

Slow and bluesy cornet, rides this sunday breeze.

Scatter shards of shattered shellfish on this sheet,
Green growth of pointed pointlessness,
Shorn, shriven, lost on tideless afternoons.

Late Again

My reasoning is (at 12.45ish) that, actually
I have no reasoning, just a general desire
To experience and try to understand
Though completely, succinctly lacking

The mental attributes

To do so

Without drooling
Its late, what did you expect?

A self dissection?


Have never any disregard to your size,
In the dusty enthralling eternal all,
Never forget the things mother told you,
Never drive or operate heavy machinery pissed.
And, mind how you go.

You are so temporary,
Its almost laughable,
The way you plan our tomorrows,
As if they will ever come.

I danced with an old love in a dream,
And you got jealous when I woke,
Is that something I need to cope with ?

Never forget how large you are,
In your own scheme of things,
Blind vision of a driving goal,
A goal to drink deeply from.

The telephone rang and you answered.

It was him.

Your 'ex', how the hell should I react ?
I didn't.

Neither of us know how we 'should' react.

Never forget the things mother told me,
About my life management.

How disrespectful after all.

I sleep softly in the dance of the dreamers,
The undead ones from my history,
The tune played to my ears.
But the bed is so warm, and soft,
You are so warm and soft,
And the whole is laughable.

Thought Of Something Else.

Of course its nothing really new,
I heard this song about feeling blue,
Sat under your kiss for hours,
And felt love in hot wet flowers,
And loved the insanity sounds,
In these haunting mythic grounds,
Felt blue for having you,
Then went, for someone new.

Practical Joking.

I, one, singular, a kind of practical joke,
Impractical and improbable in reversed perversity,
Kind of live in a world of smoke,
Kind of sink in darker night's severity.

Consider this if you consider at all,
How one man could pass through the wall,
How most must stand, while some must fall,
Or why some are deaf to the loudest call.

Consider long, the moment's gone,
But think more of, those to come,
Think long and hard, of triumphs won,
And, of the eternal none.

But don't spare a thought for me,
Improbable doubtful type of noise,
Try hard on your own to stay free,
And run hard with the hunting boys.

Run harder when time runs out,
Raise a fist, clench scream and shout,
When you harbour that single doubt,
Your labours lost in the foolish rout.

But I, the singular, the indescribed one,
Impractical in a perverse type of uncommon sense,
Shed no crystal tears when I knew you'd gone,
And rest idle by the moss-covered fence.

The Cape Of Loneliness.

On the cape of loneliness,
I found you standing,
I crept up behind you,
Silent, and undemanding.

By the cliff face of wretchedness,
You led me by the hand,
Along the paths of hope,
Up, into our land.

The land where togetherness,
Counts more for me than you,
You see I was on the cape first,
But there was room enough for two.

When The Party's Over.

Why don't we talk, like we used to ?
Why do stand away from me
When we queue ?

Why do you watch T.V. ?
Instead of looking straight at me ?

Why do you not talk about your day
In your old smiling and chatty way ?

Why do we not talk anymore ?
Am I such a pain or bore ?

What have I done dear, to hurt you ?
Why don't we kiss the way we used to ?

Your friends are embarrassed when we're together,
Why do your conversations only concern the weather ?

Why do you not love me anymore ?
What have I done to get you sore ?

Do you hear me weeping late at night ?
Silently into my pillow, scared at the sight
Of you, gone from my life.

What am I, when you're my wife ?

The Forever Girl.

The forever girl and the peripheral man,
Dicing with precise splashes
Of single malts, and
Imprecise emotions,
love defying acrobatics,
And irrational peace meetings.

Toying with the calendar,
The forever girl shouts hormones,
Bloody moment bears witness to
The invisible, ineffable (St Pancras) mind,
With single splashes of irrationality,
Lightly iced and malted.

The peripheral man, edgy,
Lurches towards, and away the glass,
Commitment, seas, skies, fell and fey,
Uncertain gesture at her fringe,
Verging in at even erris,
And bounding this cruel border,
To turn and high-wire walk, then run,
To the forever girl for,
A little fun.

That's it, for now.

I haven't had to state my old personal "caveat" for some time, a time when I knew that someone was actually reading, and taking everything as if there were hidden messages, and barbed reasons why I posted what I did. There weren't any then, and there aren't any now. Most of these were chosen at random, or just because they were the next ones to come up alphabetically.....and then I had to "not-choose" one or two as they did seem too apposite for the moments I'm living through, so I un-chose them.....

No secret messages, just old school shitty poems from waaay back......

This is a time of transition though nevertheless, and that fact alone should be celebrated, and commiserated, and forgotten about at the same time...... And then, when the dust settles, everyone is still themselves, and it all moves on.

Funny old thing this life business
My juvenile poems seem to echo 30 years later in way too many ways to make me think I have any idea about anything......

Have I learned NOTHING??

Monday, 28 January 2019

Trawling Through More of the Archives.....

Visa Ready.

I kick, almost pointless,

Whole body contorts, darkness,

Flow through warm dreaming.

Tasting colours, thinking smooth sounds,

Can't focus or keep track,

No real desire except the one,

To continue, to keep this,

To expand the sightless vision.

Dreaming, flowing through endless light,

Reds, greens, frantic and wild,

Hastening to smooth waters,

Free falling into meaning pools,

Glinting with untold wisdom,

Keen with fresh scents, pearls,

Clean with ever expanding arcs,

Whole vistas of experience,

Unrecordable, unseen, unformed gaze.

The mind's eye,

Flying through deserts,

Whipping through tall field landscapes,

And wallowing in valleyed erotic mists.

Slowing now, I kick again,

My spine whiplashing soft boned intent,

And part-formed mouth closes in liquid heat,

Pressure, unsought, unusual, unpleasant,

Calling memories of reincarnation to witness,

Comparing the knowable with

The not.


I love you so very much,

I'll be the bunny in your hutch,

I'll be the nightingale singing in your tree,

If only you'll say that you love me.

I love you so very much,

Deep in my soul I feel your touch,

Deep in my heart your love grew,

I've always known that I love you.

I love you so very much,

You're not Welsh, you're not Dutch,

My heart, my soul with love you fill,

I love you, 'cos you are brill!


The Voice Of Reason.

Damn it ! McDermot, its a dangerous game,

You cannot survive on the strength of a name,

Those jim-jams will get you and polish you off,

Take my advice and heed the old prof.

Leave this adventure and retire while you can,

Noone would blame you, or think you're not a man,

You've got your riches, looks and the girls,

What do you want ? The whole bloody world ?

Damn it McDermot ! I'm not sure you're sane,

I've had enough of side kicking your game,

I've been seeing your wife, behind your back,

And she says this carry-on is now seeming slack.

We agreed you were the best, quit while youre ahead,

You'll end up hurt, drowned or quite probably dead,

I know that you might not listen to your right hand man,

But I promised myself I'd try all that I can.

Damn it McDermot ! You and I are washed out,

Retired superheroes don't carry much clout,

Leave this one to the younger squad men,

And admit to yourself that we won't fly again.



The tar talisman between the

Lady's fingers.

a drifting trail of mystery

Sharp scented.

Symbol of what high regard,

One can hold one's life in.

Illicit pleasures and anxiety

Minimal. (Mind-back nagging.)

Sultry pose, cool martini,

Atmospheric no-go zone.

Image destroyed as butt

Hits ash-tray.

Words Unsaid.

"It'll rain like piss today"
It didn't, defiant constellations mock.
"That car's as sound as owt.."
"Hello, is that the AA ?"

"Its all off, I'm going sailing."

Of course HE went too, as 'friends'

"That dog's chuffing brilliant !"
That dog knows how to fart.

The art, and the science, of creative


"Of course I loved you,
What did you think ??

- No, can't quite bring myself to that one.

White Walls.

White walls
Wheels, and walls,
And no bars, to no freedom.

Pacing through our relations,
Running my keys against the stone.
Rattling my keys around this cell.

You keep your distance,
Watching, like a child in the zoo.

We catch hinted bywords,
Backhand say-sos that chew
Upon all rational dreams,
And the frame-drop is so fractious.

Backwoods walking,
With limited talking,
And still less kissing,
Not all we are missing,
When the morning light,
Dripping, on walls of white,
Unfurls me from your sheets of disbelief.

Furling, wrapping,
Entombing me,
In dark hot, blanket-twined,
Mattress of happy loving.

The Last Trip. 8.11.93.

Street full of slow moving cars,
Slightly dark drizzle.

And your breath hangs in dull glow.

Stand at the edge,
Of civilisation,
Sense the deep foundation,
Echoes of
The forgotten nation.

The blue bright flashing light goes out,
And the realisation drifts past,
The ambulance driver has no hurry now,
This trip will be the last.

The pent-up fucked-up grey-faced drivers
Smoking heavily in indifferent rain,
Will these meek ones become survivors ?
Or, just lose it all again ?

And flick flick your wipers slap,
Smearing atmospheric grease over your eyes.
In the line-out reps fingers tap,
One behind screams out in silent cries.

Slightly pissed off, slowly moving,
The dark drizzle lets up awhile.
And as you stand on that corner watching us,
Your smoky breath hangs in dull glow.

You're the cop, the derelict, the drunk, the girl,
The eyes-peeled prophet of our world.
Truth-twisting mental visionary,
Overseeing our naked parade.

I half expect you to offer a salute,
To these small men, in big cars,
Your blank expression though less than astute,
As you orbit slowly distant stars.

I sit with deep sins, in wet streets,
While the walls and kerbs make their way behind.
Watching your breath, produced by some inner heats,
Just following the great lost design.

You're not there tonight, to watch our progress,
Perhaps the ambulance takes you this time,
Shit, we're in a stinking mess,
Sitting, smoking, queuing, in a stinking line.

 I did think I might write something about the world, and my place in it, or relationships, and my inability to grasp the rules accurately enough to suit everyone, but then I relented and thought I wouldn't write anything personal at all.

On the plus side, there are now less than 200 pieces to wade through.......

Happy Monday.