(Clearly not one of mine)
If you left your car keys in the ignition and it was stolen, or if you left your house unlocked when you went on holiday, and then were burgled, the police and press would laugh you off the page. So why is it when thousands of people don't change the standard issue PINs that are freely available from manufacturers and service providers on their mobile phones do the police go ape that people choose to open the unlocked doors??
Why on earth is there no criticism being aimed at the Royal security staff who clearly didn't advise their charges that they should change these PINs on an urgent basis?
Quite rightly charges were not only brought against an incredibly small number of key people, and an odd conviction or two made, but really, in context these are 100% politically motivated, though exactly by whom and why remains less clear. The Edward Miller Band ought to think before commenting that Cameroon brought a criminal into Downing Street, especially in view of the war criminal who occupied it prior to Brown Gordio.
Certainly "illegally" accessing people's phone messages is wrong, and immoral and so on, and downright revolting when a missing child or murder victim is involved, but in the scheme of things, the service providers and phone manufacturers have to bear some responsibility in loudly reminding everyone to personalise their PIN to avoid such things happening.
Honestly, if the majority of people are stupid, and someone takes advantage of the fact, then millions of people buy their papers because they've "got the up to date goss..." who really is at fault?
(Definitely not one of mine)
Having said all that, Cameroon can't apply "legerdemain" by blaming Levison, as the enquiry, admittedly set up as a direct result of the (then-) emerging "scandal" was specifically denied the opportunity to consider "phone-hacking" as part of it's report due to the subject being under consideration in a criminal case...You can't make this shit up. I nearly choked when The Miller Band claimed it was "all smoke and mirrors" and sadly recalled the death of Dr Kelly, the fictional Iraq dossier on WMDs that never actually existed, and the Bliar & The Campbells-are-coming years.
Headline: Some people are thick, shock horror, someone else gets nailed for it.
If there's this much crap in the news, what is actually happening that we aren't being told about?
A picture of a tit. (Probably a sad and lonely tit who'll almost certainly never procreate, or do anything other than masturbate himself to death.)
(Also clearly not one of mine)
As a foot-note: If it turns out that all this inappropriate accessing of people's phones was via some piece of clever software that throws out zillions of PINs until they find the right one, then "phone-hacking" might be the right way to describe it, but I doubt it somehow. Until that does happen, then nothing has actually been "hacked".....I return to the "open-door" analogies above...sorry, can't help myself on this I must be cross or something.
Second fot-note, I had a picture removed from above, hence the triagular symbol above. I'm replacing it with the original and another two, just to MAKE A POINT ABOUT CENSORSHIP.
I do not claim any ownership over any of the last three pictures, clearly they are already credited by the red-strap-line at the bottom of each. Freaky-deaky. Well, I supposed it helps to prevent them breeding....